Landmark Management Services, Inc.

Prime - Bank Statements/1099/Full Docs/Asset Depletion/WVOE/PnL
Minimum FICO 680​
Loans amount up to $2.5
Purch-R/T up to 90% LTV
Max DTI 55%
Minimum 2 tradelines with 1 open and active
One month bank statement or VOD for assets
No sourcing of large deposit
50% expenses ratio for B/S and floored at 15% 100% Gifts Allowed
No reserve primary and second home with loan amount ≤ $1MM and with LTV ≤ 75. Cash Out can be used for reserve​
Condotel and Non-Warrantable Condo accepted
Super Jumbo
Primary Residence only
Minimum FICO 720 and LTV up to 70%
$3.5mm ≤ Loans amount ≤ $mm
Max DTI 38%
Income docs: 24 months full docs/24 months bank statements/Assets Depletion
50% general expenses ratio for B/S and floored at 15%
12 months reserve
DSCR 5-9 Units & Mixed Use 2-8 Units
Minimum FICO 700 and LTV up to 75%
Loans amount up to 3$ million
Minimum DSCR 1
Minimum 2 tradelines with 1 open and active
One month bank statement or VOD for assets. No sourcing of large deposits
First time investors not allowed
Gifts allowed with minimum 10% borrower contribution
Minimum 6 months reserve. Cash out can be used for reserve
Non-Warrantable Condo accepted
Debt Servicing Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
Minimum FICO 680 and LTV up to 80%
Loans amount up to $2.5 million
Minimum DSCR 0.75. Short-term rent allowed. No ratio DSCR allowed on exception basis​
Minimum 2 tradelines with 1 open and active
One month bank statement or VOD for assets. No sourcing of large deposits
First time investors allowed. First time home buyer accepted on exception basis
100% Gifts Allowed
Minimum 3 months reserve. Cash on the reserve. Cash out can be used for reserve.
Condotel and Non-Warrantable Condo accepted.
Foreign National
Second home or investment properties
Minimum FICO 700 or foreign credit
Loans amount up to $1.5 million
LTV up to 65%
Foreign income/Asset depletion/Minimum DSCR 1
Gifts not Allowed
All funds sourced in a US account for 10 days
12 months reserve
Second Lien
Primary Residence only
Minimum FICO 680
Loans amount up to $500,000
Max DTI 50%
Gifts allowed minimum 10% borrower contribution
Condotel and Non-Warrantable Condo accepted
Minimum 6 months reserve